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Jan 8, 2010

Open Call for Romanian Amateur Astronomers

After evaluating the results of our work during 2009 regarding promoting astronomy to the general public, members of the Astronomy Club in Bucharest (Astroclubul Bucuresti), Romania decided to meet and share their more scientifical efforts.

As a result, the Romanian Amateur Astronomers 2010 Conference will take place at the Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest, on January 30 with the aim to give amateur astronomers the opportunity to present their results, share their knowledge with others and meet other amateurs interrested in similar topics.

Those who wish to participate have to send an abstract with the resume of their presentation until January, 20. The categories for presentations are:
-astronomical observations with scientific relevance
-astronomical instruments - manufacture, improvements etc.
-astrophotography and astronomical drawings

Read more detalils here!
I hope to see as many of you there!

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